Wageningen, S. Sahin - Advies bij letselschade nodig? Kosteloos en vrijblijvend Juridische Hulp!

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Wageningen, S. Sahin

After my traffic accident in November 2017, I was physically disabled. Moreover, since I was new in the Netherlands, I was not aware of rules, regulations and procedures here regarding my accident. Insurance company of the driver and driver herself did not make my situation better either. During this process, Ali Durmus was my biggest support. He knew what should be done, when should be done and he patiently explained me whenever I had a question regarding this process. He meticulously collected and achieved all the documents needed, talked with my doctors and insurance company…etc. Besides, I was not familiar with the healthcare system here and  my GP was not really friendly towards me and he caused months of delay in my treatment.

This journey that started in 2017 now came to an end in April 2020. I am so happy that this exhausting period has finally finished (pretty successfully). Until that point, Ali Durmus has helped me a lot for ridiculous requests, consistent emails and all other things that the insurance company asked for. I would not make it without him especially with my limited time and non-existing Dutch. I am very grateful to him and I suggest you to trust him without hesitation.

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